6 Signs It’s Time To Donate Your Clothes

Beautiful woman selling vintage clothes

Donating clothes will not only rid your closet of clutter but will also help the community. However, clothes donation is not as easy as it may seem. Letting go of clothes, especially old clothes, is an emotional journey. Most people who want to let go of their clothes will have hundreds of reasons not to purge their closet.

This spring, encourage everyone to start anew by helping the community through clothes donation. But how do you do clothes clean out? Here are some tips.

When To Donate Clothes

If you don’t wear it, sell it! Decluttering your closet may lead you to rediscover worn clothes that you may or may no longer remember purchasing. Once you decide to give out your old clothes, the biggest challenge is how to choose which clothes to donate. To help you sort out which clothing to give out, it is best to figure out when to donate clothes.

In case you come to a point of indecisiveness, here are some tips you can apply in figuring out how to decide which clothes to get rid of.

Clothes That Are No Longer Worn

Admit it, there are instances where we buy clothes that we only wear once. Sometimes, if not often, these clothes are tossed in the closet, never to be seen again. If you have old clothes that are no longer worn in a year or two, best hand them out to your local thrift stores.

As a rule of thumb, when a piece of clothing is no longer worn for at least a year, that should automatically belong to your donation box. If you are following a trend, you know how fast they come and go. Purchasing clothing to follow trends will surely result in surplus clothing.

Check your wardrobe for clothes that are no longer worn for a year or two and toss it out for clothes donation.

Clothes That No Longer Fit

It is quite normal for the human body to change over the course of a lifetime. With these changes, people tend to buy more clothes to fit and complement their current shape. Instead of throwing away pieces of clothing that no longer fit, pack them in a donation box and send them to your local thrift store.

If you discover a piece of clothing that is starting to provide difficulty to wear, toss it into your donation box for clothes donation.

Outdated Clothing

As mentioned, fashion trends change every year – sometimes every month. Outdated pieces of clothing often end up untouched in closets or wardrobes and this may add to your clutter.

Do not feel sorry for your outdated pieces of clothing. Instead, do a clothes donation to your local thrift store. People who will purchase it can challenge their creativity and do mix-and-match with these pieces.

Having Difficulty Choosing What To Wear

When you realize that you are starting to realize that choosing the right piece of clothing to wear is becoming troublesome, it may be a sign that you need to declutter. Since this activity overwhelms the brain, this will surely provide additional stress.

Find clothes that are old and no longer fit you and transfer them to your donation box. This will not only clear some space in your wardrobe but also ensure that you will be stress-free.

Entering A New Stage in Life

Sometimes, people purchase pieces of clothing according to whatever “phase” they are in. Whenever a phase in life ends, the items and pieces of clothing that once belonged to that phase become excess baggage.

Ideally, once you get tired of particular pieces of clothing, you must remove them from your closet and do a clothes donation to your local thrift shop.

Uncomfortable Clothes

There will be instances that clothes look good in the catalog. However, once bought or delivered, the quality is less than ideal. Uncomfortable clothes often end up as a forgotten pile in a person’s wardrobe or closet – especially when it was bought at a high price.

Donate or sell these items to the nearest thrift store or recycling shop to free some space in your closet.

Fashion Items You Can Sell/Donate To a Thrift Shop

Although most thrift shops welcome items ranging from clothing to appliances, there are some limitations to what they accept. For instance, thrift stores discourage people from donating large appliances because they don’t sell easily. Thrift stores are also not welcoming newspapers and magazines because they are prone to termites and other paper-eating insects.

In the case of clothes, thrift stores are adamant in making sure that the clothes donated to them are washed first. This is to avoid diseases and rashes that may be transmitted through the clothes.

If you are thinking of when to donate clothes, making a donation to your local thrift store, or selling your clothing to a second-hand shop, consider these items first before donating to charities.


Everyone needs shoes. However, good shoes are not inexpensive. If you have an old shoe that is still in usable condition, consider donating it to your local thrift store. Students and young people, in general, will benefit from the shoes sold in thrift stores because they can be bought for half the price.

Shoes are among the items of clothing that need to be cleaned and washed because the feet are prone to fungal infections.

Coats and Jackets

Coats and jackets are a necessity and are extremely useful during the cold season. During the colder climates, the body tends to work harder to provide warmth and this can cause a heart strain. Coats and jackets help children and older people regulate heat and provide comfort.

If you are donating your old clothes, make sure to include some coats and jackets and make sure they are thoroughly washed.


Jeans are among the most versatile type of pants. It can be worn for casual clothing and as work clothes. The durability and comfort of jeans are what make them popular among people who do hard labor like farming.


Shirts, blouses, and dresses are easily the most sought-after pieces of clothing in thrift stores. The variety that these tops bring can highlight the outfit as well as provide comfort for the wearer.


Pajamas aim to provide the wearer with a good night’s sleep. These sleep wears are often made of smooth and soft fabric like silk and cotton that will make the wearer comfortable.

Donate pajamas and other forms of sleepwears to thrift shops for other people to have their comfortable sleep as well. Make sure to add in sleepwear or two if you decide when to donate clothes

Haven House Thrift Store Provides a Home To Your Old Clothes

Thinking of donating your old clothes to a Thrift Store Destin, FL? Haven House Thrift Store welcomes pre-loved clothes in good condition. This will not only provide fine clothing to people for a lesser price, but it also helps the community.

Haven House Thrift Store’s proceeds will go to Haven House Recovery Center, an institution that helps men suffering from drug and alcohol addiction.