The Do’s and Don’ts of Donating To A Thrift Store

The Do's and Don'ts of Donating To A Thrift Store

Thrift shops are a great way to save money, find quality products, and help the environment. The quality of secondhand goods is often better than those purchased at discount stores. Purchasing secondhand items means that we keep them out of landfills and don’t have to take more resources to make new items.

Donating to the nearest thrift shop is just as valuable as shopping in one. It’s better to donate items to thrift stores than throw them out or store them in the back of your closet. You’ll be able to give someone else the same benefits from these items and raise charity funds. It will also clear up clutter from your home.

However, thrift stores cannot resell all your old items as treasures. Find out where to donate clothes by consulting your local community organizations or the nearest thrift store. Check out our handy list of do’s and don’ts for donating to thrift stores.

What To Donate To Thrift Store

If you want to donate to thrift shops but are unsure of what to give, here are some suggestions you should consider before donating them to a thrift store.

Do Donate Clothing In Wearable Quality

Since thrift stores sell donated items, it’s a no-brainer to ensure that any used clothing or fabric-based material donated is in good condition. These stores are always in demand for shoes, pants, jackets, and shirts. You should inspect each item you plan to donate. If you donate clothes, make sure to check for holes, missing buttons, or loose threads. It is best to resolve these minor issues if you have the resources and time.

Do Make Sure That the Items Are Washed

Out-of-the-closet donations like bedding, clothing, curtains, and tablecloths will have dust and mildew depending on where you store them. Before giving out your old items and used clothing, make sure to wash them.

As a form of respect to the shopkeepers and future owners, keep clothing and other thrift store donations presentable and clean.

Do Donate Books

No matter how old a book may be, it will always find a reader. Consider donating books to thrift stores if you are ready to get rid of some from your collection. Classics like Shakespeare’s plays make a wonderful donation.

Don’t forget to make sure the books you donate are in good condition. Check the pages and covers for signs of damage before bringing them to the nearest thrift shop.

Do Donate Kitchenware

Brand new cooking appliances and cookware are expensive. It is highly advisable to donate a set of cookware which the stores can sell at a low cost. Cookware can be as simple as aluminum-made pots and pans to non-stick ones.

Kitchenware such as utensils, china, vases, dishes, cutlery, glassware, and silverware are also welcome at thrift stores.

What NOT To Donate in Thrift Stores

Remember that thrift shops are not trash cans or repair shops. Donating items that are clearly damaged or not usable is not going to help. Check out this list for items that you shouldn’t donate.

Do Not Donate Undergarments

Undergarments can be carriers of pathogens and fungi, both of which can cause health problems. Don’t donate undergarments to observe proper hygiene. If you want to get rid of your old lingerie and undergarments, donate them to textile recycling factories where they can be upcycled and given a new life.

Do Not Donate Newspapers and Magazines

While books are generally welcome in thrift stores, newspapers and magazines are not. Since newspapers and magazines feature old content, only a handful of people are interested in purchasing them. Another reason thrift stores are not accepting newspapers and magazines is that they can be prone to insect infestations.

Do Not Donate Large Appliances

Similar to newspapers and magazines, thrift stores avoid large appliances. Aside from taking up a lot of space in the store, appliances are not always purchased. For example, refrigerators and freezers can cost a lot, which is still expensive for the usual target market of thrift stores.

Large appliances also corrode with time, and this affects how they work. The longer it stays in thrift stores, the more prone they are to eventual destruction.

Do Not Donate Mattresses

Unlike bed sheets and pillowcases, mattresses take extra effort to maintain. Bedsheets can also attract insects like newspapers and magazines – bed bugs and termites. Bedsheets are not always purchased, and they can take up a lot of space in the store.

Advantages of Donating To Thrift Stores

Aside from decluttering, donating to thrift stores can also make you feel good. There are a lot of advantages to donating pre-loved items to community stores. Here are some of them:


The world has been facing the issue of pollution brought by fast fashion brands throwing unsold clothes in landfills across continents. Since fast fashion relies on creating trends, people would throw away pieces of clothing that are no longer trendy.

Thrift stores, on the other hand, rescue and recycle clothing. If you decide to buy in thrift stores, you won’t only have unique pieces, which you can mix and match, but you can also be sure that you made a more sustainable choice. The same goes when donating to thrift stores instead of simply throwing them away. Your pre-loved items will not end up in landfills, contributing to lessening waste that harms the environment.

Clutter-Free Life

Regular donations to the thrift store will limit your belongings to what you need and want in the meantime. You’ll have more space for more essential items, too. Clothes donation will also help stop you from hoarding.

Community Support

The best thing about donating to the nearest thrift store is that you can help your community raise funds and provide clothing and other items for the financially challenged. Although thrift store items are not entirely free, their prices are marked down to make them affordable.

The next time you decide to throw out some clothes, check for thrift stores nearby. They will be more than happy to receive your pre-loved items.

Haven House Thrift Store Encourages Community Support

Now that you know the do’s and don’ts of donating to a thrift store, it is high time to raid that wardrobe and declutter. Haven House Thrift Store is the best place to sell your pre-loved items. All proceeds from the thrift store in Destin, FL, go to Haven House Recovery Center for men suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.

Call HHTS now and start your journey to helping the environment and the community!