Thrift Store Shopping During Coronavirus: Tips and Precautions

Thrift Store Shopping During Coronavirus - Tips and Precautions

At the onset of the pandemic, lockdowns and shelter-in-place measures restricted the movement of most people, all to curb the spread of COVID-19. Business establishments were ordered closed. Minimal contact between people was the goal. People only went out to buy essential items. However, such a situation cannot last forever. People have to work and venture out. As such, restrictions have been eased, but businesses are still subject to minimum health standards and safety precautions.

Thrift store shopping is one of many activities you might have missed during the lockdown. Now that we are slowly moving towards the new normal, there are essential items that we need to adjust to the current situation. These include supplies you might need to work from home, such as office desks or chairs. Personal hygiene items like spray bottles for alcohol and house cleaning equipment like pails and mops are also a must. Some of these essentials can actually be found at thrift shops and at a much cheaper price than straight retail, which is helpful, given the financially challenging times that we are in.

However, given the current risks, you can’t just stroll into a thrift shop like you used to before. Most thrift shops implement stringent precautions and health measures, and you can never go wrong taking a few extra steps to look out for your safety.

How to Shop at Thrift Stores: The Pandemic Edition

Here are some thrift store tips to ensure safe shopping:

Try Your Best to Practice Physical Distancing

COVID-19 is primarily spread through respiratory droplets from people who had close contact with each other. This happens when people sneeze, cough, or talk, and droplets from their mouths spring into the air, reaching those nearby. Keeping a safe distance from others helps lessen the possibility of these droplets reaching you.

Always Wear a Face Mask

Both the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people wear masks. Medical face masks like surgical masks and N95 masks are preferred because they help filter out viruses and bacteria up to a certain degree, preventing you from inhaling them. However, these are essential medical supplies that are best left for medical front liners, so you can instead use cloth masks, as they can also reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Always Wear Gloves

When doing thrift store shopping, it is almost inevitable that you have to touch different items that you are interested in. While thrift shops implement strict cleaning regimens, wearing gloves serves as a double safety precaution, especially when other people have touched the surface or item immediately before you.

Make Sure You Are in Good Health Before Going Out

While we always take care of our personal health, the current situation calls us to be more responsible and to look out for others as well. Before going to a thrift shop, check your temperature. If you have a fever, it is best to stay at home and to consult a doctor or have yourself tested before going anywhere. The same should also be followed if you are sick or are experiencing symptoms.

Remember it’s not only your life and health that are at risk. Those who are around you, most especially your loved ones who live with you, can also be in danger. Because of this, you can never be too safe.

Haven House Thrift Store values your health and your well-being. We ensure that your thrift store shopping experience is as safe as possible. Several safety precautions have been put in place, including stepping up cleaning and disinfection of both the premises and the items that are up for sale, all to ensure that there is little to no risk of infection. We also highly encourage you to follow the thrift store tips above for your own safety.

If you are looking for thrift stores in Destin, FL, drop by Haven House Thrift Store and safely shop for your pandemic essentials!