Essential Guide on the Best Days and Time To Go Thrift Shopping

HHTS-Portrait of best friends at the thrift shop

You might feel lost if you’re new to thrift shopping.

Although thrift shopping can seem overwhelming at first glance, a few tips and tricks will help you become a pro at it. You need to know when and where you can thrift the best deals.

While you can visit thrift shops anytime you like and find treasures, it is much easier to be successful if you have some knowledge about the “colored tag sale” schedules or when thrift stores restock. Also, know what season of the year the best deals are displayed. Although every thrift store is different, there are common guidelines used for all types of thrifting.

Thrift shopping can sometimes be very frustrating when you can’t seem to find what you want. For that reason, it is essential to find the best time to visit your local thrift stores to have a greater chance of finding the item you are looking for and may even find it at a lower price.

Best Days of the Week to Go Thrift Shopping


Avoid crowds by shopping early on weekdays to save money. Because most people work on weekdays, they are less crowded. The sooner you arrive, the better. Weekends are busier than weekdays because most people are available during those days. If you don’t like crowds, thrift shopping on a weekday is a great option.

Mondays or Tuesday for New Stocks

Many people drop off donations on the weekends, so the best days to go thrifting are Mondays or Tuesdays.

To confirm stocking times, call your local thrift stores. Note the details and make sure you shop on the restock days to ensure early access to the new stocks.

Colored Tag Sale Days

Colored Tag Sale is offered by most thrift shops every week. There are certain days of the week when they offer discounts up to 50% on all items. However, the days may vary depending on the store, so you need to check the schedule on your favorite thrift shops. It would be best to ask the staff regarding their sale schedules to be able to catch bargain finds.

Best Time of the Day to Go Thrift Shopping

It pays to be an early bird when it comes to thrifting. Often than not, thrifty people who are committed to thrifting arrive at their local thrift stores as soon as it opens so they can grab the goods leftover from the previous night.

The best time of the day is early in the morning on a weekday. Although donations pile up over weekends, they might only be processed starting Monday. Depending on the time it takes for a store to sort through, price, and hang new items, Tuesday mornings are the best time to wait for them to be displayed.

Tips for Shopping Anytime of the Year

Drop by often

Thrift shops don’t take regular orders and don’t carry standard merchandise. The availability of what’s on hand depends on the recently delivered items. To get the best deals, find out when do thrift store restocks their shelves in your area.

Explore the back racks

Thrift stores are not like traditional retail environments. They don’t usually carry multiple stocks of one item. The racks near the dressing rooms may contain some of the most valuable pieces. These items have been previously searched for and are worthy of being tried on. They may not have been a good fit for the original finder, but that doesn’t mean they won’t work for you.

Wear appropriate clothing

You won’t find any dressing rooms in thrift shops. Make sure you wear close-fitting clothes to try different pieces on top of what you have.

Carefully inspect clothes

Look out for any stains, loose threading, or missing buttons. For a complete assessment, make sure you turn the items inside-out. Plug it in if you are considering buying an electronic item. It would be best if you scanned the books for any missing pages or damage. Before making a purchase, it is important to note any damage. Ask yourself if you can fix it and if it’s worth buying. If you are positive, then go and pay for it.

Inquire for additional discounts

It might be more challenging at larger thrift stores. But, remember that all thrift shops have to dispose of old inventory to make room for new stock. Do not be afraid to tell them if there are any defects and request a lower price. They may be able to give you a smaller item for free if they cannot lower the item’s price.

Ask for special deals and promotions

Take advantage of special discounts at thrift stores for certain groups, such as senior citizens and students. You might find special hours or days when items are on sale. In addition, you might be able to get a discount if you pay with cash. Follow your favorite thrift stores on social media to stay informed about the latest deals and promotions.

Practice seasonal shopping

Shop in-between seasons. The best days to go thrifting are usually at the end of each season, just like traditional retail. You can find cheap patio furniture and Christmas decor at thrift shops right after peak season when everyone clears their closets. This applies to clothing as well. It would be best to buy boots and jackets in April, and sandals and summer dresses in September.

Choose a shop based on the location

Think about the surrounding neighborhood. The majority of the inventory in thrift stores comes from the neighborhood. So do your thrift shopping in locations where you like the style. New Yorkers who are looking for trendy and hip should visit Brooklyn. However, those who want classic and chic will prefer the Upper East Side.

With Haven House Thrift Store, Everyday Is The Best Time to Shop!

Now that you’re equipped with valuable thrift shopping tips, it’s time to go out and shop! Visit thrift stores at Panama City Beach, for a wide selection of clothing, home decors and furniture in affordable prices. You can expect new and hard-to-find items every single week. So what are you waiting for? At Haven House Thrift Store everyday is the best day! Drop by now!